Object-Orientated API


xJSFL follows modern JavaScript practices such as class-based design, chainable method calls and overloaded functions to make JSFL development a breeze. What that means in practice is a more expressive way of coding everyday JSFL, and far, far less code.

For example, traditionally, reading and writing a text file in JSFL takes about 4 lines:

var uri = FLfile.platformPathToURI('c:/temp/some file.txt');
var txt = FLfile.read(uri);
txt += 'This is some more text';
FLfile.write(uri, txt);

In xJSFL, the same thing can be accomplished in a single line:

new File('c:/temp/some file.txt').contents += 'This is some more text';

This is typical of xJSFL; in fact the framework and its libraries are written in such a way that you can get more results from less code, making it easier to read, easier to write, and easier to build bigger and more complex tools and scripts.


Framework basics


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